BasePlaster - R50
Ready-mix mortar for fine lime finishes
Suitable for
Internal use: waterproofed surfaces, painted surfaces, metal, masonry, terracota, ceramic tiles, plasterboards, drywall, cement renders, insulation boards. Before starting, always make an adherence test. For better adherence, use ECOMORTAR® R100.
Natural colour
1.7 kg x m2 x mm of thickness
20 kg bags
Shelf life & guarantee
12 months in sealed original bag, stored in dry conditions.
Water addition: 5.5 to 6 litres per 25kg.
From 4 to 5 minutes with a mortar whisk. Whisk mixer: the mix should be prepared with a whisk mixer at 450 to 500 r.p.m. The manual mixing not recommended. High-speed mixers (more than 500 r.p.m.) can cause the occlusion of a significant proportion of air in the material that modifies its performance.
Coloured fine finishes
Lime washes > Apply when sufficiently dry.
Fresco finishes > Apply when still fresh.
Fine finishes > All fine lime renders/plasters finishes are acceptable. EcoMortar® Finish EF or TF for steel float or sponge finishes is also acceptable.
Stucco/marmorino finishes > when dry, use EcoMortar® Stucco (0-0.04mm stucco type Saint-Astier® mortar, see relevant data sheet). This can be finished to a polish by qualified craftsmen.
See also Interior Finishes & Health and Safety Information